
by Brandon Bray

Eruptive History

Ash plume rising from Augustine during the 2006 eruption.
Fig 5: Taken from

Mount Augustine is made up of a complex of overlapping lava domes that are surrounded on all sides by previously erupted lithic materials descending into the sea. There are few exposed lava flows - most of the lava erupted makes up the lava domes that are subsequently destroyed - thus the volcano's flanks are made up of mostly debris-avalanche and pyroclastic-flow deposits that are derived from the repeated collapse and resurgence of Augustine's summit.1

Summary of known volcanic activity at Mt. Augustine1:

(table based upon Global Volcanism Project summary; for a brief summary of the most recent activity at Mt. Augustine, refer to "Assignment 1" )

Eruption Start / Stop Dates Dating Technique VEI Area of Activity Volume Erupted Eruptive Characteristics
2005 Dec 9 (?) - 2006 Apr 27 (?) Historical Records 3 -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Phreatic explosion(s)
    Lava flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
1986  Mar 27 -1986 Aug 31 Historical Records 4? -- Tephra Volume: 1  x  108 m3 Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Spine extrusion
    Damage (land, property, etc.)
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
1976  Jan 22 (?) - 1977 May 14 (?) Historical Records 4 -- Lava Volume: 6.5  x  107 m3

Tephra Volume: 1.5  x  108 m3

Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Damage (land, property, etc.)
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
1971  Oct 7 -1971 Oct 8 Historical Records 1 -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
1963  Oct 11 - 1964 Aug 19 Historical Records 2 -- Lava Volume:   1?  x  107 m3

Tephra Volume: 9.2  x  106 m3

Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
1935  Mar 13 - 1935 Aug 18 Historical Records 3 -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
1908: Eruption is uncertain -- -- -- -- Unknown
1902: ERUPTION DISCREDITED -- -- -- -- --
1883  Oct 6 - 1884 (?)  Historical Records 4 -- Lava Volume: 1.3  ±  0.04  x  108 m3

Tephra Volume: 5.1  ±  5.0  x  108 m3

Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava flow(s)  (?)
    Lava dome extrusion
    Damage (land, property, etc.)
    Mudflow(s) (lahars)
    Tsunami (giant sea waves)
    Debris avalanche(s)
1812 Historical Records 3? -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion
1650 ± 100 years Tephrochronology -- -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption  (?)
    Pyroclastic flow(s)  (?)
    Debris avalanche(s)
1540 ± 100 years Radiocarbon (corrected) 4? -- -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
    Pyroclastic flow(s)
    Lava dome extrusion  (?)
    Tsunami (giant sea waves)  (?)
    Debris avalanche(s)
1200 ± 75 years Radiocarbon (uncorrected) -- Tephra Layer M -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
890 AD ± 150 years Radiocarbon (uncorrected) -- Tephra Layer C -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
510 AD ± 200 years Radiocarbon (uncorrected) -- Tephra Layer H -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption
230 AD ± 200 years Radiocarbon (uncorrected) -- Tephra Layer I -- Central vent eruption
    Explosive eruption



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